Saturday, May 21, 2016

Treat Yourself!

Tip of the Day
Tip of the Day
Treat Yourself!
Today, we want you to think more about yourself. We know, we know - it's hard for a selfless parent to turn the spotlight on themselves. But if you make sure to keep in mind these six tips, you'll be better equipped to handle the stress of day-to-day parenting.

It's important for moms to indulge themselves now and then - it's good for mental health. Check out our favorite ways to reward yourself without piles of junk food in this article. And for a chance to win a gift basket from Sparitual, full of goodies like lip gloss, body butter, and face scrubs, enter our Instagram contest today!

6 Yoga Poses, 85 Recipes: Our Favorite Yoga Book Right Now MORE
Why You Goof Off When Stressed, And Why That's Okay MORE
4 Reasons to Consider "Music Therapy" MORE
Tip of the Day
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